Ferdinand Schultze str 91
13055 Berlin
Tel : 01704630876
Zagajnov Wladimir
Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg HR A 39340 B
USt.-IdNr.: DE254519903
EORI: DE6848397
Personally liable partner:
ZWOD LIMITED, Birmingham/Großbritannien (Companies House, Cardiff/Großbritannien, Company No.06085757)
Disclaimer and legal information:
With this website we would like to inform our suppliers, customers and new potential business partners about our offers and activities.
Although we provide current, complete and correct information. We hereby expressly exclude any liability, guarantee or guarantee for the correctness, topicality and completeness of information obtained via this website. We may change or supplement this website or individual information if necessary without prior notice.
We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content offered on the linked pages and do not adopt the content there as our own. This declaration applies to all links on our website.
Transport services and a comprehensive supply of industrial equipment.